I was STRESSED preparing for my first jump!
My first carnival jump at Atlanta-Dekalb was fast and furious. We’re talking maybe less than 8 weeks before I knew my feet would touch road for the very first time. This would have been my sister’s second jump so although I had someone with me, the know-what and how was still very much limited. But don’t worry… If this is your first jump, I got you! Im going to separate these items for you: Before the road, and During. To be transparent, there are affiliate links on these page, but I have personally used these items, or have had these items recommended from other experienced masqueraders. Thank you so much for your support!
Pre-Jump Necessities

I have a very strict rule– I WILL wear pasties with every wire bra because nipple slips happen, especially if you are high energy on the road. I have been using Carnivalista smoothies for years. They now come in four shades to best match your skin tone so it doesn’t contrast from your skin and your costume. Brown skin and “tan” pasties are just unsightly. Each pack of Carnivalista smoothies comes with three pair. Use code: AWM2021 for 10% off your order.
**Note** The diameter of the carnivalista smoothie (without the petal part) is about 2 inches in diameter. If your breasts are blessed with larger areolas, I do not recommend these for you. Check below for larger pasties.
When putting on the pastie, make sure the surrounding skin is free of moisturizers/lotion. Even your body wash has moisturizers! I recommend prepping the skin with rubbing alcohol and making sure its completely dry before sticking on.

I purchased these Maidenform pasties on Amazon to get ready for Trinidad carnival as my favorites at Carnivalista were out of stock. With a pricepoint of 9 bucks, it came with five pair. I did end up finding my favorites while packing, but took these with me anyway. One of my travel mates didn’t have any on our trip and had larger areolas. These fit her great.
** Note** When putting on the pastie, make sure the surrounding skin is free of moisturizers/lotion. Even your body wash has moisturizers! I recommend prepping the skin with rubbing alcohol and making sure its completely dry before sticking on.

Okay okay hear me out. Ladies, there’s a good chance you will be on your period when you touch road. Why not be mess and leak free? I was unfortunately on my cycle for Houston Carnival and had to wear my Diva Cup.
A menstrual cup is made of silicone and safe for wear up to 12 hours. If your flow is medium or light, you may not have to worry about running to a port-a-john at all. At carnival, your hands WILL GET DIRTY and its probably best to keep them from your lady parts as much as possible (even if you have hand sanitizer). I recommend testing out the cup to learn how to use it before you wear it for carnival. Not all cups are made equal. I went through a brand before I found the diva cup. But I have been pad and tampon free for three years and won’t be going back.
**Note** If your cycle is heavier and you know you will have to empty your cup during the road experience, I recommend you save this for another day.

This recommendation comes from my friends in the Burlesque community. How you think they get their bedazzled pasties to say on when they swing those tassles?! LOL
We treat spirit gum like how we treat lash glue. Place it on the skin or the pastie and allow it to get tacky before we put the pastie on. I would recommend this for anyone that just sweats a lot, or those dare-devils who just decide they wanna wear nothing but the pastie and want the extra assurance there will be no nipple-gate. Mark my words, its not going anywhere.
Carnivalista does a fantastic job with the adhesive. I literally have to get in the shower to remove my pasties. But if you’re going with a different brand (esp the one listed above) I can’t vouch for their adhesive qualities.

I became hip to Bikini Bite waaaay back in 2012 when I was prepping for bikini division bodybuilding. When you are on the road, your panty tends to migrate… OFTEN. To be honest, I went to thongs just because I got tired of pulling my panty out of my ass. But! If you must have your coverage, I strongly recommend bikini bite. This will make your panty stay PUT.
**Note** this probably will not work as well if you intend to wear leggings under your panty.

Foot care is just as important as your footwear! Most likely you’re going to buy a shoe to match your costume and you’re not going to want to be very expensive. Because of that you’ll find little no no insole support at ALL. Strongly recommend you buy a pair of insoles to put inside your shoes. Your feet will thank you.
Want leggings? You need to check out Carnivalista. Ive worn many brands but the color match is unbeaten. Carnivalista offers up to 6 shades to choose from to best match your skin tone. Leggings offer coverage if you’re looking to hide scars/cellulite, and can also be used as shapewear as well. Be sure to check out their website and use code: AWM2021 at checkout.
**Note** For my ladies looking to leggings as shapewear, I recommend any of their leggings that are closely knit (naked, gliss). Your shimmer/shine tights are also up your alley. Leggings with a wider fishnet will offer less shaping capacity.
Don’t forget code: AWM2021 at checkout!
On the Road
Some people opt for a small backpack or fanny pack to hold their things during the road experience. I really don’t like anything around my waist covering up the costume so I opt for the Flex Bag which just goes around the thigh. I have thick thighs and this fits comfortably and stays up. It has two compartments and does fit my iPhone 12 Pro Max with a case on it (although it can get snug). For Houston Carnival, I had my car keys and ID one one side and my phone on the other.
Another favorite is the Lynx Hip Bag. Because it is patent leather, I really like to wear these to J’ouvert as I know that my things with stay dry and also within my sight as people do unfortunately steal. The lynx hip bag is versatile as is worn Laura Croft style, and you can remove the thigh strap and extend the waist loop to turn it into a cute shoulder bag. It has a nicely sized compartment for your larger items and you can store flat items in the front pouch.
The Pump will hold smaller phones, cash and other small items. Not my favorite as I found I struggled a little bit to remove items from my pouch while on the road. I think if you don’t pack it as tightly you will be just fine. I personally just prefer to be completely hands free during my experience.
I have not worn the Vega bag, but intend to test it out in the future.
Don’t forget code: AWM2021 at checkout!

I already can hear it now: “Wait, WHAT?” Hear me out. Being in the military I have found the need to pee in obsure places, and there was no way I was risking muscle failure while squatting to pee. Here is where the pstyle comes in. Its a device so that you can pee while standing up. I DO NOT RECOMMEND FUNNEL devices because if your stream can’t match the rate of funnel you’re going end up giving yourself a golden shower. This pstyle is more of a “slide” device and sits right up under your lady parts while you pee. If you go directly to their website, you can purchase a matching pouch with a little clip to attach to you while you’re on the road or at j’ouvert.
This came in especially handy at Caesars Army Ambush TT. There were no port-a-johns to be found, and a lot of trees and bushes. The rest is up to your imagination.
**Note** Practice at home before hand.

Haaay thick thighs! I love mine, but not in a pencil dress or when it’s hot outside. Bring out the dreaded “chub rub”. Shapewear will prevent inner thigh chaffing, but if you dont want to wear leggings/tights, I strongly recommend this body glide that will prevent that painful rub from happening.
There's More!
For sake of brevity, let me direct you to my Amazon Storefront which will provide you footwear recommendations, self care, masquerader kit items, my favorite tech, carnival and j’ouvert recommendations and even home decor. And if you have any recommendations, please let me know! I continue to learn from all of you.

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